Join us for the
2018-19 Technoscience Salon
Black Technoscience “Here”
Signifying a simultaneous disruption to and opening up of technoscience, Black Technoscience “Here” engages with the rich body of aesthetic, artistic and scholarly work on (anti)blackness, science, technology, material cultures, health, consent and ethics both within North America and throughout the African diaspora to collectively question what it means to activate black technoscience thought “here”, in Toronto, at this moment, within the confines of the neoliberal university.
In conversation with critical technoscience scholars who have spoken against both the eurocentrism and US-centrism of technoscience (Pollock & Subramaniam, 2016), and taking inspiration from the multiple ways black cultural production, can, as Katherine McKittrick (2010) argues, “writ[e] scientific knowledge anew,” we will think alongside a range of invited Black scholars, artists, activists and practitioners who will present and perform across the themes of blackness, ethics and material cultures” (128). By centering transnational and diasporic Black technoscientific praxes and methodologies, the primary goals of this working group will be to : 1) to broaden perspectives on what we conceive as technoscientific thought and method, and; 2) to recognize the politics of doing so within Canada, and as part of a transnational dialogue.
As we bring together a diverse range of creative scholars, writers, artists and technoscientists over the course of the year, we will publicize and promote our meditations on Black technoscientific methodologies, epistemologies and ontologies through social media by tweeting under the hashtag #blacktechnoscienceHERE. We seek to simultaneously disrupt and make more capacious the realm of technoscience, and in so doing we prioritize forms of creative and accessible intellectual outputs as important forms of knowledge and commitment.
This year’s organizers included Nicole Charles (University of Toronto Mississauga) and OmiSoore Dryden (Thorneloe University) with assistance from Kristen Bos (University of Toronto) and Michelle Murphy (University of Toronto). Thank you to the sponsors of Black Technoscience “Here,” including the McLuhan Centre, Technoscience Research Unit, WGSI.
Building: Black Feminist / Queer Digital Justice > Query: Community Activators
Data & Time :: Monday 1 October 2018, 6-8 pm
Location :: McLuhan Centre, 39 Queen’s Park Cres E, Toronto, ON M5S 2C3
Speakers :: Ladan Siad (OCAD/TRU) and Nasma Ahmed (Digital Justice Lab)
Community organizers and researchers Ladan Siad(Data Justice Researcher, Technoscience Research Unit, Toronto) and Nasma Ahmed (Director, Digital Justice Lab, Toronto) will be in conversation on how data justice practices and visions are being created among Black feminist/queer data justice communities in the city of Toronto and beyond. The event reflects the Black Technoscience “Here” Working Group’s mission to disrupt understandings of technoscientific thought through artistic, aesthetic, technological and scholarly work on (anti)blackness, science, technology, and material cultures within North America and throughout the African diaspora. Please register for the event; we will have an overflow room for latecomers and people on the waitlist.
Agency, Unveiling, Grammar, Refusal :: Sandra Harvey in Conversation with Nicole Charles and OmiSoore Dryden
Date & Time :: Monday 15 October 2018, 4-6 pm
Location :: Rotman School of Management Building, Room 1020, 105 St. George St.
Speakers :: Sandra Harvey (University of California at Irvine) in conversation with Nicole Charles (University of Toronto) and OmiSoore Dryden (Thorneloe University)
Activating Here Where Our Future is Now”
Date & Time :: Thursday 7 December 2018, 4-6 pm
Location :: 728 Bissell Building, 140 St. George St., University of Toronto
Speakers :: d’bi.young anitafrika and Najla Nubyanluv (Watah Theatre)
#BlackGirlMagic: On Disability and Possibility in the Digital Age
Date & Time :: Thursday 7 March 2018, 4-6 pm
Location :: MiST Theatre, 3359 Mississauga Rd, Mississauga, ON L5L 1C6
Speakers :: Moya Bailey (Northeastern University)