Join us for the
2008-10 Technoscience Salon

Mix & Stir

For these two years, the Salon was organized around a monthly theme with the following format:

  • Take two conceptual ingredients (X meets Y, such as Affect meets Capital or Matter meets Making) and invite two or three speakers to each drop in one provocation, quandary, object, or image through which they are wrestling with the keywords.

  • Ask each speaker to each serve their thoughts for 10 minutes of lively presentation (genre open, not a formal research overview so much as conceptual offering or provocation).

  • Have 1 or 2 people  stir vigorously to begin  group discussion

  • Enjoy results with food and drink

2009-10 Salons

September 10th, Thursday — Embodiment Meets Enactment
Rachel Prentice (Cornell University) and Lucia Dacome (U of Toronto)
Stirred by Lucy Suchman (Lancaster U) and Joan Steigerwald (York U

October 19th, Monday Microbes Meet Earth
Heather Paxson (MIT) and Stefan Helmreich (MIT),
Stirred by Sarah Tracy ( U of Toronto) and Ken MacDonald ( U of Toronto)

November 25th, Wednesday — Spirits Meet Experiments
Sofie Lachapelle (Guelph),  Barbara Crow (York),  Mike Pettit (York)
Stirred by Michael House (U of Toronto)

January 28th , Thursday –– Photography Meets Technique
Mike Robinson (daguerreotypist, Ryerson) and Robert Burley (photographer, Ryerson) and Martin Hand (Queen’s)
Stirred by Edward Jones-Imhotep (York)

February 25th, Thursday — Devices Meet Undoing
Jim Ruxton (Subtle Technologies) and William Turkel (Western)
Stirred by Ana Viseu (York)

March 18th, Thursday –– Optics Meets Acoustics
Angie Blake (Ryerson) and Brian Beaton (U of Toronto) and Jessica Caporusso (York)
Stirred by Jordan Bimm (York) and Natasha Myers (York).

2008-9 Salons

September 25th mix and stir — Affect Meets Capital
Contributors include Sue Ruddick, Carla Hustak, Laurie Baker and Ken Little.

October 30th mix and stir — Matter Meets Making
Contributors include Lucy Suchman, Ana Viseu, Matt Ratto, and Carlos Novas.

November 27th mix and stir —Geopolitics Meets Technopolitics
Contributors include Heather Barnick, Edward Jones-Imhotep, Deb Cowen, Matt Farish

January 29th, Thursday mix and stir — Art Meets Science
Contributors include Nell Tenhaaf, Joan Steigerwald, Caitlin Fisher, and Dolores and David Steinman.

February 25th, Wednesday, mix and stir — Reproduction Meets Production
Contributers include Jennifer Esmail (Rutgers) on telephones, Aryn Martin (York) on Gender Kits, Caroline Baillie (Queens) on Waste-for Life, Michelle Murphy (U of T) on Distributed Ontologies.

March 25th, Wednesday — mixing with guest — Drugs Meet Life
Joe Dumit (University of California, Davis) stirred by Paula Gardner (OCAD) and Sergio Sismondo (Queens)

Past Salons